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see Reason prepares the way to faith. St. Justin and the apologists used philosophy as a «preamble» to the faith (n. 38). Philosophical logic shows how the Catholic faith is not contrary to reason, and it can demonstrate the errors of arguments against the faith. Thus, St. Clement of Alexandria called philosophy a «stepping stone to the faith» (n. 38).
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Tramadol Hcl 50 Mg Purchase Reason can show that that there is a God and can demonstrate his primary attributes such as his power and divinity. Reason lays the foundation for faith and makes revelation «credible.» Reason is thus the common ground between believers and unbelievers.
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http://www.mscnantes.org/gmij53fys Human reason is inherently weak and inclined to error. Deprived of revelation, reason can go off course and miss its destination (n. 48). Faith warns reason against the paths that will lead it astray (n. 73). It shines light on the true paths (n. 79).
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