
What is holism in environmental philosophy?

Holism is usually contrasted with the reductionism usually associated with the rise of Western science. It is indeed often motivated by what many perceive to be the insufficiencies of an atomistic or reductionist approach to metaphysical and ethical propositions, in that it doesn’t correspond with how we experience reality or the needs that the current environmental crisis sets for us. Freya…
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Vil Black Friday gjøre deg lykkelig?

Black Friday er en flott anledning til å tenke gjennom hva som gjør mennesket lykkelig. For kan Black Friday klare å konkurrere med langfredag? Hør dette innlegget som podkast: Jeg gleder meg til Black Friday-reklamen som forteller oss at vi allerede har mer enn nok for…

Nagel's (almost) successful project

The project that Thomas Nagel sets out in Mind and Cosmos, is an ambitious one. He attacks a dominant view of nature in our time, namely the materialist mechanistic one, as purportedly envisaged by the neo-darwinists. He summarizes his thoughts in the end as “I would be…